Online Call Registration

Carli'n International Foundation
Call for participation form

Section A - The Characteristics of the Call

The aim of the Carli'n Foundation consists in the desire to identify and launch talented projects, with the related non-profit financial support, proposed by young people under the age of 40, structured or otherwise, lacking their own economic means, in the field of innovation and eco-sustainability applied to the agricultural sector.

Projects related to the following topics will be considered:

- Development of innovative agricultural patents.

  • Low environmental impact innovations in agricultural production sectors.
  • Development of means of defense of crops alternative to chemical ones.
  • Enhancement of marginal or degraded areas for agricultural purposes
  • Related projects with similar characteristics.

The Carli'n Foundation was established as an international foundation, not for profit or for profit, with headquarters in the Italian-Swiss territories and with potential opening to territories located in every part of the planet, preferring, in the initial phase, projects applicable for the agricultural and sustainable development of

Italian-Swiss territories. It promotes and raises funds from private and public, as long as they are compatible with the Foundation's complete independence of judgment.

Important: The Carli'n Foundation evaluates the candidate projects in each year of the call for applications.

The overall judgment, made by a high-profile technical and scientific committee, will be final, as will the amount of the financial contribution decided by the Board of the Foundation, which takes into account both the criteria of merit of the winning annual project and the criteria of financial self-sustainability, in order to maintain the release of the notices over time.

Carli'n International Foundation
Call for participation form

    • 1

      Dati anagrafici e curriculum vitae del candidato

    • 2

      Caratteristiche del Progetto Firmato


    Dati anagrafici e curriculum vitae del candidato

    Name and surname

    Luogo e Data di Nascita




    Titolo di Studio

    Conseguito a

    Conseguito il




    Breve Curriculum


    Allega Documento Identita Fronte

    Allega Documento Identità Retro

    Titolo Progetto


    Durara Progetto



    Modalità Operative e Piani di Lavoro


    Misure per rendere il progetto ecosostenibile

    Risultati attesi


    Business plan